
Five Fall Favorites: Historical Non-Fiction


We’re hopping on our Bikes here today! Today’s theme is historical non-fiction – and I can’t wait to hear about everyone’s favorites! If you didn’t bring one, we have plenty to share. In keeping with our theme, we have several historical bicycles to try as well. We’re going to trek around this beautiful lake and enjoy the fall colors. Pick your favorite bike, hop on, tuck your historical non-fiction favorites in the basket – don’t forget your water bottle! – and follow me!

Welcome to the second day of Five Fall Favorites, a week-long book party hosted by Read Another Page with party “rooms” at various literary blogs! Each blog has a different theme for the day and each blog will be sharing five favorite books in a specific genre. Don’t forget to check out the other blogs/rooms to find your free book of the day!


Readers of all ages squint in the sunlight as they mount the bicycle of their choice. Soon, a bright array weaves in and out on the path, and we set off down the trail.

As we ride, I adjust my microphone and speak up. “Time for today’s top five historical non-fiction favorites.”

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Stories of the Pilgrims

This book has been a favorite of mine since childhood and is responsible for my early interest in the Pilgrims. The collection of little stories about their daily life and adventures, from their hardships in England to their struggles in the New World, follows the perspective of a young boy or girl and tells a straightforward, interesting story about what pilgrim life was like for the children. It’s a way to study history while thinking you’re simply reading a book for fun.


Up From Slavery

 This book is phenomenal. It’s an autobiography of Booker T. Washington, in which he tells his life story. If you haven’t read it, you ought to. It’s an inspiring classic that everyone should read at least once. I’m looking forward to rereading it soon – it’s powerful enough to call for adding it to my TBR regularly.

From Sea to Shining Sea/The Light and the Glory

This is another set of books I enjoyed in my childhood – books that transformed American history into something profoundly enjoyable. Once again, I read these books for fun, but along the way they taught me so much about history in a way I’d long remember. The authors also wrote adult versions of these books – I’ve read parts of them but haven’t yet read the adult books from cover to cover. Somehow, quantity of adult reading time never equals quantity of childhood reading time!

How I Learned to Meditate

This book. It’s currently out of print, but if you can get your hands on it anywhere, READ IT. It’s not only one of my favorite books of all time, but it’s also one of the most powerful, impacting, life-changing books I’ve ever read. It’s the authors story of how God taught him to meditate on God’s Word day and night – and the practical ups and downs as he learned this in his normal daily life. It’s thought-provoking, it’s challenging – it’s a blessing.


The Autobiography of George Muller

George Muller was an amazing, inspiring man of God. His humble faith and his prayer have become legendary among the heroes of faith, and this autobiography is excellent. From childhood, I’ve been challenged by Muller’s faith in prayer as he began an orphanage and maintained it by and under God alone. In his lifetime, he cared for over ten thousand orphans – all without ever asking anyone for any funding. Even when his faith was tested, he trusted God alone, and God mightily showed Himself faithful – more than enough – to do exceeding abundantly above all he could ask or think. How much more might God work in our lives if we persevered in faith that steadfastly . . .

As the bike shed appears on the horizon, we cruise down the final stretch of the trail, crunching over the browns, reds, and yellows coating the path. Thank you so much for riding with me today! I will see you tomorrow for yet another enjoyable autumn activity. Until then, enjoy today’s other party stops, stop by the Books room for your free short story, and don’t forget the giveaway!



And now for the giveaway! Look at this awesome fall reading basket! Signed paperbacks, a Five Fall Favorites mug, and an Amazon gift card . . . Enter here. Giveaway open to both US and international winners; an international first place winner will receive ebooks and an Amazon gift card while a second winner from the US will receive the paperbacks.

If we get enough entries, we’ll draw an additional winner to receive ebooks and audio codes . . . so tell your friends!fuve

Have you read any of these books? Which ones? What did you like about them? Which book sounds most interesting to read?

15 thoughts on “Five Fall Favorites: Historical Non-Fiction

  1. I’ve read a biography of George Mueller (like five hundred times) and I’s love to read his autobiography!! The Booker T. Washington sounds cool too—and the history book! I love reading history, even if isn’t about my country 😉

  2. I love Stories of the Pilgrims! We have an old copy and a reprinted copy. The stories are such a delight to read.
    I don’t think I’ve read that book about George Muller, but I’ve read several others about him.
    And it was a lovely ride around the lake. Just the perfect activity. 🙂

  3. I think my family owns the first two on your list, but I don’t recall reading them! Though I may have read a little of the Pilgrims one a very long time ago! I’ll have to keep them in mind!

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